Britton Hill – Lakewood Park – Florida

When we think of the “highest point” we think of places like Denali, the highest point of highest points. But even on low flat lands there is a highest point. And in all of the U.S., the lowest land has to have a high point. Enter Britton Hill.

The rise of land sits in a rural area about a mile from the Florida Alabama state line. It is rather nondescript yet has importance of both high and low. Britton hill is located in Lakewood Park which also has nature trails. So why is Britton Hill important?

Britton Hill is the highest point in Florida and also the lowest “high point” in the US. The hill has an elevation of 345 feet, not exactly a strenuous climb. Yet, it is a must for “highpointers”. Not only for hobbyists, yet also elite mountain climbers who are searching for the highest point in each state. We are by no means mountain climbers, not even highpointers, yet couldn’t resist the highest point in Florida.

Lakewood Park is located less than a mile from the RV park where we were staying. Our location was on the Alabama side of the line while Britton Hill was on the Florida side. It was as easy as parking and walking to “the hill”. The park has three nature trails of varying lengths along with a large area for picnics and gatherings. 

Florida’s “highest point” is located about 50 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Who would think to find a highest point so close to the gulf? Britton Hill, the highest point in Florida, is said to be named after a retired postmaster of Lakewood. As far as we could tell, there is not much left to Lakewood. In fact, Britton Hill is on County Road 285, near both Paxton, FL and Florala, AL.

Whether you are a “highpointer” or interested tourist, we recommend Britton Hill. Go, enjoy the trails and picnic area and know you visited the highest point in Florida. 

Standing on Britton Hill

Britton Hill

Picnic Area

Around Britton Hill

Park Information

Park Sign Looking Out


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