Category Archives: Louisiana

WesMar Farms Dairy Market

The goats were staring at us through the fence, curious creatures.  Then we saw a group of people visiting; drinking coffee and eating fresh baked bread and sweets.  We must be in the right place – WesMar Farms Dairy Market in Moreauville, LA.

What are two Pescatarians doing at a dairy market?  That is the question we asked ourselves the first time we visited the WesMar Farms Dairy Market.  Never ones to pass up an opportunity to visit a farmers market of any kind, we ventured to WesMar to see what was offered. Continue reading


NOLA Tropical Winery

There is wine and then there is Wine.  When I think of wine it is all the grape varieties that come to mind.  Sometimes I think of muscadine, but generally other grapes such as cabernet or merlot come to mind.  Needless to say I was surprised when I walked into NOLA Tropical Winery and was enticed by all the fruit wines available.  Throw common varieties out of the window and let in Mango, Pineapple, Cherry, and Orange Coffee to mention a few. Continue reading


New Year’s Eve in the Louisiana Swamps

“Look at the choppers on that one!”  One, two, four, seven, a dozen…more.  Alligators three feet to six feet in length gliding along the water near the cypress knees in and out of the swamp vegetation, sunning on the bank, or just being still in the water.  It is New Year’s Eve and we are in the swamps of Louisiana or at least in the swamps of the Paragon Casino Atrium Hotel. Continue reading


Crepes GoYaYa’s

Baton Rouge, LA. – What happens when a food truck finds a home?  The “streets” loose.  Yet the door is opened to a new customer base enjoying climate controlled seating.  Such is the case with GoYaYa’s, the latest food truck to settle down.  GoYaYa’s found a home at the Main Street Market in downtown Baton Rouge, La. Continue reading


Where Cajuns Walked


Louisiana Pottery

Arriving at The Cajun Village in Sorrento, LA, we could only imagine who had lived and worked in the buildings and what their life was like 100 or more years ago.  The Cajun Village is a collection of restored buildings dating from the 1800s that are now vibrant businesses catering to tourist and locals alike.  The buildings were moved to the present site to form a “historically accurate Acadian Village”. Continue reading


Louisiana Treasures

Louisiana Treasures Museum in Springfield, LA is a little known museum with a unique offering.  Proprietor Wayne Norwood is dedicated to preserving the past so future generations will have a better understanding of how people lived, worked, and
played in Louisiana.  Wayne has items ranging from Indian Arrowheads to Dry Cleaning equipment to early 20th century office equipment to glass eyes and everything in between.  Two of the more unique items on the grounds of the museum are portable jails that were used to transport chain gangs from jail to work and back.  We have visited twice and still have not seen everything in the museum.  It is an education in the lives of Louisiana residents.

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Most Excellent RV Adventure

As we start our “Most Excellent RV Adventure” we are not sure how long it will last or where it will take us, but here we go.  Join us on our first leg of the adventure dubbed “Operation First Run” for no other reason than we needed a name and it is our first leg.  Our longest trip to date has been two weeks, not long by RVing standards.

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Boom Goes the Heater!

“I smell gas.”

“No, it’s just the heater you smell.”

“No, I smell gas!”  BOOM!

The explosion rocked the campsite and sounded
like a huge firecracker going off under the tent.  The problem was, the explosion was at the entrance to the tent so people were fighting their way through the tent sides
to escape.  After the explosion, fire enveloped the cutoff valve and regulator so we could not turn the gas off on the propane cylinder.

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Charlie’s Restaurant – Springfield, LA

Going to Springfield, LA on business; not very exciting.

Springfield, LA, typical small Louisiana town.  Once while camping at Tickfaw State Park (see prior post) and looking for decent bread (forget the grocery store) we ended up at the  Subway in town and bought a couple foot long loaves… no, just the bread!  I guess that could be a travel tip.

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Red Stick Farmers Market Patriotism

The July 2nd Red Stick Farmers Market began this morning with the National Anthem  played by a single trumpeter, John Gray.  He began at one end of the market and walked slowly playing the National Anthem to the other end of the market.  Everyone was in awe!

What a way to begin the July 4th Weekend.
