Tag Archives: Minnesota

Red Wing Marine Museum in Red Wing, MN and a Plaquemine, LA Connection

Following the Mississippi River from headwaters to mouth was one of our favorite trips. Along the way we found interesting sites, some with connections to south Louisiana. The Red Wing Marine Museum has some unique exhibits and one has a link to Plaquemine, LA. Continue reading


The Anderson Center at Tower View – Red Wing, MN

What is art? It is an interpretation and can mean different things to different people. Having friends who work with different mediums makes our art world varied and unique. We don’t necessarily look for “out of the ordinary”, it sometimes finds us. So it was one lovely fall afternoon as we walked through a rather unique sculpture garden. Continue reading


Moving an Island – Lake Superior, MN

Manajiwin – Snag Island – Five Mile Rock


All aloneEarth, Wind, Fire, and Water – the essence of our planet. Cultures have been celebrating these elements for centuries. None more so than the Native Americans along the North Shore of Lake Superior. They would travel out to a rock island in the lake and celebrate their oneness with the earth and its people. Continue reading


Split Rock Lighthouse, Lake Superior, MN

CoverNovember gales on Lake Superior are a force to be reckoned with – feared and respected at the same time. The wreck that is probably the most know today is the Edmund Fitzgerald. She went down 17 miles off the Michigan coast of Lake Superior on November 10, 1975. All 29 crew members perished.  While this wreck is in the forefront even having her story written in song by Gordon Lightfoot – “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”; there were other gales and wrecks that forced the United States to take action. Continue reading


Gunflint Trail – MN

Lake shadowsLake Superior’s North Shore in the fall. One of the best places to see the color of fall foliage; except for this year. We thought we had planned it well for the reds, oranges, and yellows of the various trees. Not to be in 2015; we were informed that the fall foliage was about two weeks behind estimates. Coming from the south, these colors were high on our list of things to see. Continue reading


Grand Portage and High Falls – MN

High & Mid FallsGit-che O-ni-ga-ming – In the early history of our continent, negotiating the area between Lake Superior and the Pigeon River was impossible with the many rapids, cascades, gorges and waterfalls. The American Indians inhabiting the region were determined to find a way around these obstacles. Their ingenuity prevailed and a nine mile trek was established – Git-che O-ni-ga-ming. An Ojibway word meaning “a great carrying place”. This place is a nine mile “highway” connecting Lake Superior to the Pigeon River. Continue reading


Headwaters of the Mississippi – Itasca State Park, MN

Says allThe Mighty Mississippi – wide, treacherous, muddy, deep, calming, churning, and so much more. That is how we saw the river almost every day of our lives in South Louisiana. Growing up by the Mighty Miss, it was easy to take the river for granted. Riding the ferry across the river was a mode of transportation and necessary, then crossing the bridge was common place. We never gave much thought to where the river began or even how it meandered down to the gulf. Continue reading
