Tag Archives: Alligators

New Year’s Eve in the Louisiana Swamps

“Look at the choppers on that one!”  One, two, four, seven, a dozen…more.  Alligators three feet to six feet in length gliding along the water near the cypress knees in and out of the swamp vegetation, sunning on the bank, or just being still in the water.  It is New Year’s Eve and we are in the swamps of Louisiana or at least in the swamps of the Paragon Casino Atrium Hotel. Continue reading


Where Cajuns Walked


Louisiana Pottery

Arriving at The Cajun Village in Sorrento, LA, we could only imagine who had lived and worked in the buildings and what their life was like 100 or more years ago.  The Cajun Village is a collection of restored buildings dating from the 1800s that are now vibrant businesses catering to tourist and locals alike.  The buildings were moved to the present site to form a “historically accurate Acadian Village”. Continue reading
