Old Spokes and Blue Angels

HazelSometimes inspiration is where you least expect to find it. Blue sky, warm Fall sun, light breeze, the smell of salt in the air and the scenic beauty of the Gulf of Mexico along the serenity of the Gulf Islands National Seashore all come together for a great bike ride. With anticipation of catching a practice session of the Blue Angles mid-way through our ride, what could be better?

The Pensacola Naval Station is across the bay from the park and as we watched the aerobatic team begin, up rode Hazel and Linda, from the Blackhawk Bicycle and Ski Club of Rockford, Illinois, on their bikes. Hazel, a spry 85 years young, was with a group of riders visiting Orange Beach, Alabama to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their bicycle ride from Washington State to Maine, the Northern Tier. If our math is correct, she was 65 when beginning this cross country jaunt! It took 12 weeks to complete and the group visited lots of coffee shops along the route. Hazel said they were not trying to break any record; they were having a great time. The group had not met until their “big ride” and have celebrated each anniversary since then. They are now great friends and called themselves the “Old Spokes”. There were eight riders on the original ride and seven are still avid bicyclists.

Hazel’s bike which she used for her Northern Tier ride and still uses is one of the first carbon fiber bikes made. The main part of the frame is carbon fiber but the wheel forks are metal. She is very proud of her bike as she should be.

Hazel and Bike

Hazel and Bike

As we were talking more of the group arrived and like Hazel were still active bicyclists. That may not seem strange except these folks are in their eighties. In fact, the oldest is 91 and Hazel turns 86 in December. One of the eight who lives in Oregon could not attend. It had nothing to do with not riding anymore since he will log about 5,000 miles this year. Just as with any group the “Old Spokes” have a chase car with their SAG (support and gear) driver, Joyce. She carries snacks, drinks, and makes sure there is a lunch spot or deli bought sandwiches. All the riders say if it were not for Joyce they would not be able to complete their long rides. Two of the men served in WWII and as the Blue Angels flew over the Vets shared their war stories with us.

Ron, Hazel, Linda, Didi

Ron, Hazel, Linda, Didi

Back to Hazel – a remarkable woman. Since joining the Blackhawk Club in 1979, she has logged more than 141,000 miles. She has served as president and through the years held other positions with the club. Hazel said she has slowed down and ONLY expects to ride about 1,000 miles in 2014. What an inspiration!

As we left, we wished them well and headed on our way back to the parking lot. Somewhere along the way Laurie hears Hazel approaching and talking away. She slowed down to visit with Laurie for a while and then moved up to visit with John. After a few minutes, Hazel took off again and left us to our meandering. Again Hazel is an inspiration to any bicycle rider.

As we loaded our bikes on the truck for our return to the campground, the “Old Spokes” were headed to the highway for a ride to a restaurant for lunch. Our interaction with the “Old Spokes” was unexpected and brief but it will stay with us as we bike along the trails of the US.

Thank you Hazel, Didi, Charlie, Ron, Al, and Joyce. Special thanks to Linda who was along for the anniversary ride and obviously like us gained inspiration from the group.

Old Spokes Ron

Old Spokes Ron

National Island Seashore

Gulf Islands National Seashore

Blue Angels

Blue Angels

Old Spokes

Old Spokes



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